Sunday, March 02, 2008

wimping out

Posted to my LJ on Mar. 1st, 2008 at 10:50 pm

I was going to try and write a real entry today. But I am just without the wits to do it. I am spending the day hanging out with the puppies, relaxing and not thinking about money or mortgages. It snowed - AGAIN - last night. Fortunately, everything on the roads is already gone. It rained after snowing and today was pretty warm compared to last night. Woohoo no shoveling!!

Other than that, I am doing more puppy napping and hanging out tonight and tomorrow. Maybe we will go out to eat for my birthday. Not too worried about it. I am not exactly thrilled to be turning a year older with everything that is going on lately.

Anyway, here is my lame post for the day. :-)

P.S. Today officially begins NaBloPoMo for March!

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